Indirect Instruction focuses the shift away from the instructor, where an activity is more student-oriented. This can be a good stand-alone activity or one that complements a direct instruction approach. To do: After reflecting on the different strategies of indirect instruction, reflect on a class you have taught or are currently teaching and think about the possible role one or more of these techniques can play in your class. Key questions…

Direct Instruction can is a tried-and-true method of teaching that benefits students who are a novice on the subject matter. It sets the focus of the learning on you with the intent of imparting the foundational knowledge to help build further learning on the topic. To do: After reflecting on the different strategies of direct instruction, reflect on a class you have taught or are currently teaching and think about the…

In your journal, you identified some areas of positive motivational engagement, as well as some potential areas of social engagement needing improvement. Now, focus on those areas that can be improved upon. What steps can you take to improve those areas? Think about whether you need to work with administration or others or if these can be accomplished on your own. Create a detailed outline for this process, identifying all the…

In your journal, you identified some areas of positive social engagement, as well as some potential areas of social engagement needing improvement. Focus more toward those areas needing improvement.  What actual steps can you take to improve those areas?  Think about whether you need to work with administration or others or if these can be accomplished on your own. What actual steps can you take to improve those areas?  Think about…

Using learning objectives from a course you are teaching, have taught, or plan to teach, map out the objectives and align them to course activities.  Make sure the activities are appropriate for the learners, class, and objectives. Provide a brief description of each activity below your objective map and include a one-two sentence explanation as to why that activity is appropriate for the objective(s) it is covering.

The planning phase is such an integral part of the course mapping process. Reflect upon a course you have taught or will teach and identify the learner set and the classroom. Questions to Consider: How long are these course offered at your school? Will the learner set or classroom environment change in that time? How can you prepare for these possible changes?

One of the main concepts discussed in this section was the idea of responsive facilitation.  The ideas that make up responsive facilitation are steps and tasks that a facilitator should take to help encourage the learning process of their students and ensure the student is being responded to appropriately. The ideas of the responsive facilitation are: Dialogue learning, shared power, responsibility, and democratic principles Critical of ideas not individuals Feedback that…

Consider the Four Principles of Andragogy established by Knowles. An adult’s self-concept moves from being a dependent personality toward being self-directed. Adults accumulate a growing reservoir of experience.  That reservoir becomes an increasingly rich resource for learning. Adult readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to developmental tasks or social roles. Adults’ time perspective is one of immediacy of application and they become performance centered rather than subject centered. Utilize an activity…

In the previous journal activity, you formulated your personal narrative by reflecting on a educational mentor who positively affected your life. In this activity, you will take those ideas and concepts to form your personal mission statement. The statement should be focused and concise. Steps Toward Completion Brainstorm several possible statements or phrases that immediately come to mind when trying to convey your personal mission statement. Try to jot down as…

The implicit bias test measures the strength of associations between concepts and conclusions and stereotypes. In this activity, you will take the Implicit Association Test (IAT) on Race by Project Implicit that was mentioned in the Lecture Video. Review the General Information page (Links to an external site.) Begin the IAT process by visiting the “Take A Test” page (Links to an external site.) Click the “I wish to proceed” button at the end…