There may be an instance where a student wishes not to be on a social media website and ask to not create a Linkedin profile. This could be a personal decision due to personal beliefs or relating to personal safety in regards to having personal information available to an unwanted person or people. What would you suggest be the best course-of-action to take with a student who wishes to refrain from using…
Journal: Outside the Scope of SARA
-   wreed
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As a SARA institution, the state authorization process becomes easier in many ways. For certain institutional operations, you can operate outside your state if the operations are occurring in a SARA authorized state. But, this is not the case for all operations and functions of an institution. There are many institutional operations that may not simply be covered by the SARA state reciprocity protocols. Additionally, there are still currently, as of…
Journal: Being a SARA Institution
-   wreed
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There are institutions categorized as SARA institutions and those categorized as non-SARA institutions. Institutions may be non-SARA institutions by choice, or by the state they are located in being a non-SARA state. Similarly, SARA institutions, while needing their state to be a SARA state, still make the conscious choice to become a SARA institution by going through the SARA approval process. Considering these two distinctions, what are some of the advantages and…
Journal: Obtaining Buy-In
-   wreed
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One of the biggest, potential obstacles with state authorization is typically the first step of the process: “Obtain buy-in from institutional leaders.” As was discussed previously, when bringing this idea to institutional leaders, such comments as, “Well, no one is getting in trouble anyway,” “We will wait until a state contacts us,” and “We’ve been doing what we’re doing for years and nothing has happened, so why be concerned now” may…
Journal: SARA Versus Non-SARA Institutions
-   wreed
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As you have been learning, there are both institutions categorized as SARA institutions and those categorized as non-SARA institutions. Institutions may be non-SARA institutions by choice or by being located in a non-SARA state. Similarly, SARA institutions, while needing their state to be a SARA state, still make the conscious choice to become a SARA institution by going through the SARA approval process. Considering these two distinctions, what are some of the…
Think about a class that you have taught, teach now, or have been a part of that utilized an approach similar to social learning theory. Questions to Consider: What did you like and/or dislike about this class? Did you have an overall positive or negative experience in this class? Why?
Think about a class that you have taught, teach now, or have been a part of that utilized an approach similar to social learning theory. Questions to Consider: What did you like and/or dislike about this class? Did you have an overall positive or negative experience in this class? Why?
Journal: Reflecting on Behaviorism Applications
-   wreed
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Reflect on a class that you have taught, teach now, or have been a part of that utilized an approach similar to behaviorism. Questions to Consider: What did you like and/or dislike about this class? Did you have an overall positive or negative experience in this class? Why?
Journal: Inspire a Shared Vision
-   wreed
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What are some ways in which you can apply learned concepts from this course and help “Inspire a Shared Vision” in your current workplace, home, or social setting?
Journal: Core Values
-   wreed
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Reflect on the results of your core values quiz. How can a greater understanding of your core values help you to develop your leadership communication skills as it pertains to your constituents?