You should already have submitted your lesson plan to your instructor in the Project – Prepare a Lesson Plan section. Next, upload your lesson plan here to discuss your ideas and thoughts with other instructors. Comment on other instructor’s lesson plans as well for a peer review. Your submission is worth 2 points and responding to another user’s post is worth 2 points. To upload your lesson plan, click into the…
Discussion: Case Study 6: Discuss If You Think There Would Have Been an Emotional Carry Over From the Food Show
-   wreed
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Although the case does not tell us, do you think there would have been a motivational carryover from the Food Show? Have you ever taken your own classes on a field trip? What was your experience in terms of its lasting effect on class behavior?
Discussion: Case Study 6: Discuss Willy’s Orientation at the Food Show
-   wreed
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When Willy gave his Orientation to the Food Show, he deliberately avoided giving any “advance organizer” as to what to look for. Instead he told them to ‘just wander’. Do you agree with this approach? If so, why? If not, why not?
Discussion: Case Study 5: Do You Agree With the Solution Jack and Mike Came Up With (Paragraph 41)?
-   wreed
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Do you agree with the solution Jack and Mike came up with (paragraph 41)? 1) What options did they have? 2) Might they have been more effective?
Discussion: Case Study 5: Mike Prided Himself on Warm and Open Relations With His Students….
-   wreed
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Mike prided himself on warm and open relations with his students…. Mike prided himself on warm and open relations with his students, but in dealing with Oscar, Jack advised him to change his persona to appear cool and detached. Where in paragraphs 34 – 42 do you find examples of this approach? Do you think it was effective?
Discussion: Case Study 4: Discuss Why an Open Book Test Would Be “A Pain to Grade.”
-   wreed
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Discuss why an open book test would be “a pain to grade.” Gloria noted that open book tests would be “a pain to grade.” Why is that?
Discussion: Case Study 3: Sam’s Students Felt Strongly Enough About the Situation to Write a Petition…
-   wreed
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Sam’s students felt strongly enough about the situation to write a petition… 1) Sam’s students felt strongly enough about the situation to write a petition. Form a school management point of view, how do you think career school administrators should deal with written complaints such as these? For instance, should the teacher be notified, and if so, when? Should the director meet face to face with the whole class or talk to…
Discussion: Case Study 3: Overall, How Would You Characterize the Way Jerry Dealt With Sam?
-   wreed
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Overall, how would you characterize the way Jerry dealt with Sam? Do you feel it was effective?
Discussion: Case Study 2: Overall, How Would You Compare Ben’s Two First Days?
-   wreed
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Overall, how would you compare Ben’s two first days? ____ First day was better ____ Second day was better ____ About the same What changes would you suggest (if any) for his third first day?
Discussion: Case Study 2: On the Student Information Sheet, Ben included a detailed description of how grades would be calculated.
-   wreed
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On the Student Information Sheet, Ben included a detailed description of how grades would be calculated. Do you think this was useful? Why?