As a non-SARA institution, most activities taking place outside of your institution’s state requires specific steps for obtaining state authorization in the state or states the activities are to take place.  Depending on the state, this can be a simple or a very arduous process. Think about your institution and pick a neighboring state that your institution does activities in. If your institution does not do activities outside of your state,…

Social learning focuses on the students learning through observation – through you, an expert, or from fellow classmates – and from working in group settings. To do: Reflecting upon the social learning ideas, find an appropriate strategy to enhance the learning process. Reflect on why this change is appropriate and how this strategy can better impact the activity and your learners. Develop a plan to tweak or add some social learning style…

Constructivism focuses on the students being the active participant in the learning process and the instructor takes on a more passive, facilitator role. In addition, the focus is on students constructing knowledge instead of simply acquiring it. To do: Reflecting upon the constructivist ideas, find an appropriate strategy to enhance the learning process. Reflect on why this change is appropriate and how this strategy can better impact the activity and your…

The XYZ Corporation’s Board of Directors recently selected James as president of the organization.  He was tasked with developing a “new vision” for the organization. XYZ Corp. is a 20-year-old company that provides leadership development training for nonprofit organizations. James came to the company as an innovative leader from a smaller organization with strong business credentials.  James’ predecessor was recently fired for failing to develop a vision for the future that…

Instructions: Determine how you believe your constituents would rate you on the 27 items listed below. For each statement, indicate, from 1 to 4 how you believe your constituents feel that the following statements describe you. Key: 1 = Very Well ; 2 = Well ; 3 = Somewhat ; 4 = Minimally)   Puts his or her personal interests ahead of the organization. Would risk other people to protect himself…

Ethical Leadership is defined as “knowing your core values and having the courage to act on them on behalf of the common good.” This exercise will help you clarify your core values. It is a challenging exercise, and it will be more meaningful if you do it silently and on your own. During the process, you will highlight which values are most important to you. In each round, you will remove…

In this activity, we are going to expand on the previous learning activity. Take the activities designed in the previous learning activity and add in components from Step 1 and Step 3.  The goal of this activity is to create an outline for your lesson/class that would allow you to start transitioning to the flipped classroom structure. Things to consider: Are all of your steps aligning to your course/lesson objectives? Are…

One of the biggest benefits of the flipped classroom structure is what we have referred to as Step 2, the learning taking place within the classroom.  Too often students learn theory and ideas without truly being able to practice and apply the learned information. This leaves learning in a state of being one-dimensional with students often having to relearn concepts, later, in the real-world when they are needing to apply the…

Independent Instruction is a great method to allow students to work by themselves to discover solutions and build confidence in their abilities. After reviewing upon the importance of independent instruction strategies, reflect on a class you have taught or are currently teaching To do: After reflecting on the different strategies of independent instruction, reflect on a class you have taught or are currently teaching and think about the possible role one…

Interactive Instruction allows for activities where the students are in a more active role in the learning. This allows for a creative, motivational, and group-centric ways to help students learn and understand the presented topic. To do: After reflecting on the different strategies of interactive instruction, reflect on a class you have taught or are currently teaching and think about the possible role one or more of these techniques can play…